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Using audio with your interface? You'll find help here.
7 articles

What is the difference between Mic, Line, and Instrument settings on the front of my audio interface?

Mic: for recording using a professional microphone Instrument: for recording electric guitar or bass directly into your computer Line: for plugging in electronic instruments like synthesisers or drum machines Here's a video that explains in more detail:

The audio crackles when I try to record or play back on my Windows computer

Audio crackling is unfortunately quite a common problem with digital audio systems, particularly Windows systems. However the good news is that it is usually very easy to fix. Connect your audio interface directly to a USB port on your computer, not via a USB hub! This is very important - most dig...

How can I use two audio interfaces with my Mac?

The Mac operating system allows you to "aggregate" two or more audio interfaces together relatively easily. See this Apple article for details: Combine multiple audio interfaces by creating an Aggregate Device Please note that although this should work without problems in the vast majority of cas...

How can I connect multiple PlayAUDIO12 interfaces together?

Introduction The PlayAUDIO12 interface is capable of transmitting up to 12 individual audio tracks - but what if you need more outputs than that? If you are using a Mac OS computer the answer is that you can "stack" two or more PlayAUDIO12s together as a so-called "aggregate device". (Note: u...

How can I use more than one audio interface on Windows?

Most professional Digital Audio applications on Windows use the ASIO (Audio Stream Input Output) system for low-latency multi-channel audio. This is a special audio driver originally created by Steinberg that is optimized for pro audio use. Unfortunately because of the way it is created on Windows,...

Adding Redundant Inputs to Live Playback

When we designed PlayAUDIO12, we designed it to do one job better than any other interface made before or since: live playback. We stripped out all the unnecessary stuff that studio interfaces made you carry that you’d never need. One of those big money, weight, and space saving thi...

Using an iConnectivity interface for audio/video recording on iOS

Using an iConnectivity interface to record the audio tracks on your video recordings is a excellent way to get great sound from multiple inputs and sources. Firstly, to understand how to best use your interface to capture audio for video recording on iOS you will need to know a bit about audio...