If you ever see alternating lights on your iConnectivity interface, you are likely in bootloader mode and needs to load firmware properly to your interface. Lets look at some of the best ways to load firmware to your iConnectivity interface
Option 1 - iConnectivity Firmware Updater app
mioXM, mioXL, PlayAUDIO1U
All other previous iConnectivity interfaces
Video of how to load - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS9wxStYB6Y
Instructions: If your device is already in bootloader mode please skip to Step 5
1) Open Firmware Updater Software
2) Find your interface by click the Search button. You must be connected via USB DAW port for firmware loading.
3) Select your interface in the list.
4) Click Restart Boot
5) Once you see the alternating lights on the front of your interface you are in bootloader mode. Please Click the Search button to find the device in bootloader mode.
6) Select your interface in [Boot] from the list.
7) Click Get Settings
8) Your page should look like this. You will see the Enable Timeout checkbox be checked.
9) Click Select File to be able to select the firmware file. ( iconnectivity.com/firmware )
10) Select the most recent firmware file you’ve downloaded from the iConnecitivty website.
11) Notice the Firmware file name by the File text.
12) Click the Start Update button
13) Status should show starting update. You should see the restarting light sequence on the front of the interface. Device will show alternating bootloader lights and loading lights.
14) Let the software and interface do it’s thing. After a minute or two the update should be complete. The status should now say Update Finished
15) Click the Restart App button to restart your interface into normal operation mode with the new firmware loaded.
This completes the firmware load and your device should be started in normal operating mode without the alternating LEDs on the front.
Option 2 (Any interface) - Load firmware with a MIDI player
Recommendations for MIDI players
Mac: https://www.snoize.com/sysexlibrarian/ Windows: http://www.midiox.com/moxdown.htm
Video for Mac - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htpC4dKlttw&t=87s
Video for Windows - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWdO12pgiK4&t=5s
Download firmware from iConnectivity.com/firmware
Option 3 (Any interface) - Load firmware using a DAW
This can work with mostly any DAW.
Video how to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zoWMYLadzg
Download firmware from iConnectivity.com/firmware