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My iConnectMIDI1 or mio doesn't seem to work between my keyboard and computer

Firstly ensure that you have the 5-pin midi cables connected correctly: the MIDI IN of your cable attaches to the MIDI OUT of your MIDI hardware device and the MIDI OUT of your cable attaches to the MIDI IN of your MIDI hardware device.


If you are using a Mac, try MIDIMonitor (free download):

  1. Open Sources
  2. Then MIDI Sources: the iCM-1 should be listed here.
  3. Ensure that the boxes for these are checked.
  4. The window below should display all incoming MIDI data coming from the iCM-1.

On Windows, when connecting the iCM-1 into your comptuer via the interface for the first time, Windows should recognize the device with a message Installing device driver software. Go to: Control Panel/Device Manager/Sound, video and game controllers. The iCM-1 should be displayed in this list.

Try downloading MIDI-OX for your PC (free download):

  1. On the top tool bar (4th icon from the left) there is an icon: Display Raw MIDI Input - this will display all MIDI data coming from the iCM-1. When you engage your MIDI device through the iCM-1 you should see the corresponding data listed here in real time.
  2. Open the icon next to it: Main Output Monitor.
  3. Now click View/Device Info - this will display the iCM-1 in the Monitor Output window as 
    • IN: 1) iConnectMIDI1
    • OUT: 2) iConnectMIDI1 
  4. Clicking Options/MIDI Devices, you should also see the iCM-1 listed here in MIDI Inputs and Outputs windows.
  5. Under View/port status the iCM-1 should be listed here as well.

Note: if you are using a Windows operating system, ensure that no other MIDI programs are running on your computer except for the one you are trying to connect to.

If all these steps check positive, this will ensure that your iCM-1 is functioning properly and that the problem probably resides within the settings of your operating system or software program instead.