Many of the iConnectivity interfaces feature a USB-MIDI Host port which can be used to connect up to 10 USB-MIDI controller keyboards and USB-MIDI modules. But the Host port can also be used to connect 2 iConnectivity interfaces together to expand your system!
To make an ad hoc network like this, simply connect the normal USB slave port of one iConnectivity interface to the USB-MIDI Host port of the other. The control software will now see both interfaces as if they were directly connected to your computer.
This is particularly good if you have an iConnectivity audio interface and you want to add more DIN-MIDI ports to your system. For example if you have an iConnectAUDIO4+ you could connect a mio10 to the iCAUDIO4+ Host port and now you'll have a system with 4 Analog Inputs, 6 Analog Outputs, and 9 DIN-MIDI In and Out. Or you could connect two mio10s together for a total of 20 DIN-MIDI connections!
One caveat: our audio interfaces use High Speed USB connections which will not work if connected to the Host Iort on one of our other interfaces, so in a scenario like the one above it's important to ensure that any audio interface is at the beginning of the chain, and you have your MIDI interfaces connected to audio interface Host port, not the other way around. You also cannot connect an audio interface to another audio interface this way.
Connecting iConnectivity interfaces like this is a very quick and easy way to expand your system to connect more DIN-MIDI devices, so if you are outgrowing your current iConnectivity interface there's no need to replace it - all you have to do is buy a second one and plug them together!