You can view the spreadsheet we use to set up and test our default MIDI routing here:
MIDI Patchbay Default Routing
MIDI Patchbay Default Routing
- Click on the tab at the bottom of the screen to select the interface you want to check
- All MIDI ports are always connected to your DAW's USB ports.
- On most of our interfaces DIN 1 Input is directly connected to all MIDI Outputs by default, so that you will always get something happening the minute you take interface out of the box. However you will probably want to change that later. The easiest way to do that is to run our Auracle software and click on the Disconnect All button in the MIDI routing page. This leaves all of your MIDI devices connected to your DAW only, but eliminates them talking to each other directly. You can then just hook up whichever direct MIDI connections you might need using the Auracle MIDI routing page as normal.