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What are the DIN and HST ports I see listed in my music software?

iConnectivity interfaces make several different types of MIDI ports available to you, both physical and virtual.

Physical ports

  • A DIN port is the physical round connector with 5 small pins that you find on the back of most MIDI modules and interfaces. They usually come in clusters of 2 or 3 DIN ports: In, Out, and (sometimes) Thru.
  • USB Device Jack means the small squarish USB slave connector that you connect your computer or iPad to. iConnectivity interfaces may have 1-3 USB Device jacks.
  • USB-MIDI Host Port is the unique port found on the back of many iConnectivity interfaces where you can plug in a USB-MIDI device or USB hub. If you connect a USB hub you can control 8-10 physical USB-MIDI instruments via this port - the physical connections to these USB-MIDI instruments are named HST1, HST2, etc.

Virtual Ports

  • Each USB computer connection is capable of carrying 16 virtual MIDI ports - you will usually see all 16 listed inside your Digital Audio Workstation. Each of these virtual MIDI ports can be connected to one of the physical ports as listed above. They are often named after the physical ports they are connected to. Each virtual port contains 16 MIDI channels.